Reflection on Tutorial Task Week 9

11:23 AM
In week 9, we are asked to evaluate to which extent does the activity in the textbook portrayed listening process/skills. From what we have gone through, listening process takes up a few stages before one can feedback (respond). There is a need to listen first, understand, remember and evaluate before one can respond. Respond also means that the person has completed the process of listening as he/she would like to give respond/feedback/speak. Through this lesson/tutorial, we as future teachers learnt that in order for a student to be able to respond, he/she must first listen effectively so that they will be able to understand. When they understand, they will be able to remember as they try to recall for information. Next, they will evaluate and compare what they just know with what they have already known. Thus, as future teacher, I am benefited from this task as I realize that listening process is important. Also, I will try to establish an environment or lesson, anything I am able to work for in order to help my students to understand what I (as a teacher) trying to deliver. It also challenges me as a future teacher to think critically (as it develop my own critical thinking) to create an effective listening activities for my students later.

About the author

Nur Nabilah Huda Binti Hamdan, 21 years old from Kuala Lumpur. Currently pursuing Bachelor of Education with Honours in TESL, University of Sabah, Malaysia.