Mini Test Question 2: 'Environment'

6:39 AM
Wednesday, 5/12/2012
TE10503 Teaching Writing Skills
Tutorial 6 (b)

Question: You are teaching the theme 'Environments' to a form three class with intermediate level of proficiency. Describe one activity on how to integrate the following thinking skills into your lesson.

A) Analysis
B) Application


A) Analysis
Firstly, teacher divides the students into groups of 4-5. Next, the teacher will ask them to examine what pollution is currently running on their surrounding. Each group might get different or similar types of pollution. Then, they will proceed by listing down the causes of the pollution. In order to do so, they have to relate to their own experience, based on what they saw or heard, or came across to in their daily lives.

B) Application
Break the students into groups of 4-5 as previous. Next, the teacher provides different types of pollution to each group respectively (air, water, land and sound pollution). Teacher distributes a paper listing the causes of each pollution, (it could be the one that they prepared during the analysis thinking skill previously) Later, teacher asks them to solve the causes. For example, land pollution occurs due to the waste dumping in the landfill area in the neighborhood. So they have to discuss in the group in what way can this problem be solved. 

About the author

Nur Nabilah Huda Binti Hamdan, 21 years old from Kuala Lumpur. Currently pursuing Bachelor of Education with Honours in TESL, University of Sabah, Malaysia.