Higher Order Thinking Skills - Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

11:25 PM
Hello there everybody! Ever heard of the Bloom's Taxonomy? The word "taxonomy" simply means "classification". Meaning to say that Bloom Taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives to classify forms and levels of learning.. Let's take a closer look about it :)

On the left side is the original version of Bloom's Taxonomy by Benjamin Samuel Bloom and his colleagues  in 1956. However, in 2001, Anderson and Krathwohl had revised the cognitive taxonomy. And it has been used up until today. So I hope that explains why is this thinking skill is called as the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy :) Four out of six of the thinking skills: Synthesizing, Evaluating, Analyzing and Applying are being considered as the Higher Order Thinking Skills. 

Wednesday, 14/11/2012
TE10503 Teaching Writing Skills
Tutorial 5

Choose one of the four levels. Refer to the themes in KBSM. Design a task which integrates the level chosen. Write meaningful instructions for your task.

Social Issues
Drug Addiction Is A Disease. What Do We Do About It?
Analysis / Evaluation
Learning Outcomes
By the end of these activities, the students will:
          · understand that addiction is a chronic disease and that is likely to recur;
           · recognize that treatment is most effective when it combines medication and   behavioral treatments;
           · be able to explain how treatment for addiction is similar to that for other  chronic diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease.
Teacher’s activity
Student’s activity

Teacher asks students about the success rate for treatment on drug addiction compared to other chronic diseases.
Students make predictions about the success rate for treatment of addiction compared with treatment for other chronic diseases.

Teacher asks whether there were cases where drug addiction and its chronic disease are differ or similar to other chronic diseases using WH questions:
          · What are the differences and similarities?
          · Why do they differ?
          · How can treatment be effective?
Students evaluate case studies of different individuals with drug-addiction background and other chronic diseases based on readings and experiences in order to answer the questions.

With this kind of activity, students will evaluate on the questions given to them and it is good as it practices the students to judge (evaluate) as they will compare and contrast. :)

About the author

Nur Nabilah Huda Binti Hamdan, 21 years old from Kuala Lumpur. Currently pursuing Bachelor of Education with Honours in TESL, University of Sabah, Malaysia.


Very interesting. Compare and contrast chronic diseases with drug addiction. Weel done!